Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April News

Hi all,

This week (Thursday at Noon) we will be meeting at the Community Park, Soroptimist Grove for a picnic lunch. Bonnie’s lunch email went out and many of you have responded. Please also respond even if you will not be coming or having lunch. We will be having special guests from the City Parks and Community Services Department and Judith Judson who was instrumental in getting the Soroptimist Grove planned.

Directions are:
From Downtown take East Second Street toward the industrial Park. Turn left at Rose Drive. You will see the Mathew Turner elementary school as you come down a long hill. Turn right into the school and go past the school to the first parking lot on the right.  You are now in Community Park. Take the walking path that goes around the park to the right. It goes next to the large play yard and picnic area and bathrooms. The Soroptimist Grove is on the back side of the park about a ¼ mile walk. There are two picnic tables and a Soroptimist sign. Bring an extra chair if you have a light one. There will be a truck in the parking lot to haul the food and chairs to the area. My cell phone number is 580-9508 if you need to call me.

Conference is coming up this weekend. There is still an opening for Saturday night dinner and Sunday brunch if anyone wants to join us. I will be sending out directions to those who have signed up. It is a great opportunity to learn more about Soroptimist and have some fun.

Casino Night is coming up quickly, May 7th. It is a new event we are doing with the Rotary Club. Please bring a raffle prize (not wrapped)valued at $25 to Nancy at Main Street this week for the event. Also please send the attached flyer to your friends via email and print it out to hand out or post where you can. Please plan to come to the event and bring friends. We are also selling keys to a treasure chest with a potential of winning $500. Helaine has keys and they are $20 each. There has always been friendly competition between the Rotary club and our Soroptimist club and we want to make sure our club holds up our part of the partnership!

A big thank you goes to Lisa for overseeing the meeting last Wednesday and to Eileen for making dinner plus a thank you to the set-up and clean-up crew. Whoever took pictures of the meeting, could you email them to Susie? Thank you!

Calling all new members and members who want to learn more about Soroptimist. Save the Date: Tuesday, May 17, for the Soroptimist Orientation, 6:30 PM at the Chamber (Dinner included). More information to come later.

Soroptimist Headquarters sent the Ruby award ballot to all member’s email. Everyone can vote, even friends and family. It is easy to follow the link and vote on who you want to win. One of the three women will be awarded $5,000 for their charity of choice.

Correspondence: Valero sent a check for $400 to purchase 16 tickets for the Chocolate Champagne and Couture event.  SIA sent a ballot for the election of Federation President –elect 2011-2012.  Benicia Historical Museum sent their newsletter and member application.

I hope to see you Thursday,
Pres Libbey
It’s planting time! “Sow the Seeds of Soroptimist”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hi all,

The LunaFest was an amazing success. Here is a letter written by one of our members to Helaine who helped organize the event. It says it all.

“Dear Helaine (and crew)
I thought Lunafest was terrific! You and your committee did a great job - it seemed well organized - and amazingly enough there were lots of people there! I thought it was great to have the folks from Namaste House - they made it real - not just donating to a thing - but to people. I think that man that donated his 50/50 winnings back was terrific...what a nice gesture. I think we also showcased Soroptimist - I wouldn't be surprised if we get a few new members out of it. I've been working on my friend Mary Anne for a while now, and she was very impressed with the whole event, with us, and with Namaste House.
Thanks for letting me be a part of the event…..